
What is iBATIS?

iBATIS is a data mapping framework used in Java to map database records to objects in an application. It provides an easy-to-use data persistence mechanism that bridges the gap between relational databases and object-oriented programming.

The iBATIS framework is based on the Data Mapper pattern, which separates the data access code from the business logic code. It works by creating a mapping between the database tables and the Java objects using XML files. This mapping describes how the data should be extracted from the database and how it should be inserted, updated or deleted.

iBATIS offers several features that make it a popular choice for Java developers, including:

iBATIS has been merged into the Apache MyBatis project, which provides a similar data mapping framework for Java and .NET. The latest version of iBATIS is iBATIS 3, which is now known as MyBatis 3.

iBATIS Syllabus

A typical syllabus for a course on iBATIS might cover the following topics:

The above topics are just a general outline of what might be covered in a syllabus for iBATIS training, and the actual content may vary depending on the course or training program you are taking. It’s worth noting that iBATIS is a powerful and versatile data mapping framework, and it’s important to have a good understanding of Java programming concepts and database management principles before diving into iBATIS development.